GrCo school board adopts strict policy banning student-owned laptops, tablets

Also sets strict rules for use of cell phones

The Greene County Schools board of education at its Oct. 18 meeting approved changes to the policy first adopted in 2014 for the use of student-owned laptops or mobile internet devices. The policy now strictly prohibits students from bringing a personal computer or tablet to use at school.

Personal cellular phones may be brought to school, but students must obtain permission before using them during classroom instruction. Additionally, cell phones must be muted when used during a class or lab.

Cell phones are to be used before and/or after school only in areas supervised by adults, and only for instructional purposes. If an adult asks a student to put his/her cell phone away because of games or other non-instructional activities, students must comply.

Cell phone use in bathrooms and/or locker rooms is strictly prohibited per the policy.

The policy names consequences for using a personal computer or tablet or refusing to comply with guidelines for cell phone use. The device or cell phone is taken from the student in each instance. A first offense will result in the student serving a 30 minute detention in the office, with the device returned to the student after the detention. Subsequent offenses require a parent to pick up the device after various lengths of in school or out of school suspension. For a fifth offense a student will serve a 10 day out of school suspension with a recommendation to the school board to expel the student.

Students do not have access to the school network (wired or wireless) using a personal device. Students found connecting personal digital device to the network using an ethernet cable plugged into a wall jack or wirelessly will have the device confiscated and lose personal cell phone privileges. The student and his or her parent/guardians will be financially liable for any damage caused to the school district network servers and computers by worms or viruses.

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